
Sunday 31 August 2014


What is ALS?

I'm sure that you have all seen the latest crazys in fund-raising, the ice bucket challenge. When I herd about this I was interested to see what it was all about, I had never herd of ALS before which I'm sure that most of you can agree with me. I never thought I would get nominated to do it but I was wrong, the other day my friend nominated me to do it I know that you are meant to compleat it within 24hours but my grandparents are looking after me at the moment (or I'm looking after them I cant work it out)

Joey Graceffas (how is a great you tuber) gaves some information on ALS.

So I desided before I go ahead with the challenge I wanted to find out what ALS acturaly was:

  • It mans that you can no longer send messages to your musles meaning that eventually you cant move them.
  • It affects the nurse cells in the brain and the spinal cord.
  • It eventually leaves to death.
  • To start of it meanly only effects your arms, legs, mouth and breathing.
  • There is no cure at the moment but there are things you can do to help maintain the situation.

Hope you now can see why your money is so important and that you now understand why you are throwing buckets of water over you heads.

click here to donate

Sorry this is not a normal blog post and that is a bit  but I really thought it was an important topic. I tag anyone who reads this and wants to do it.

Thankyou for reading
it was my pleasure to write
Hannah xx

Monday 18 August 2014


Random question

Rules:1. Respond and rework: answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own.

What is your current fashion obsession? Playsuits and Jumpsuits!

What is your current makeup obsession? Having green eyeliner on my bottom lash line with a basic eye

What are you wearing today? As its a sunday and I'm not going out any were I am just wearing leavings and a hoodie nothing special 

Hair? Natural

Do you nap a lot? Never

Why is today special? Sadly its not really

What would you like to learn to do? Drive a car

What's for dinner today? Sweet and sour chicken stir fry
What are you listening to right now? Happy little pill by Troy Sivan

What is your favorite weather? Sunny and Hot 

What's the last thing you bought? My Dads birthday present

What are your essentials when traveling? Clothes, Makeup and Money

What's your style? I would say I like to mix and mach styles I don't like to stick to one look

What is your most challenging goal right now? Trying to work out what Aleves I'm going to do then what job I will get and if I should go to uni.

What colours have you diyed your hair? I have never diyed my hair but I would like to get highlight

If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be? Cornwall

Favorite vacation spot? Santarini

Name the things you cannot live without? my laptop, dog and family

How was your childhood? Its good so far

What would you like to have in your hands right now? A big roast dinner

What would you like to get rid of? The health and mental illnesses that some of my family members are going throng so they can have a happier life with out the worry.

What are you most excited for? Seeing my friend again but also my prom in December!

If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? LA

Which countries have you visited?Lanzarote, Florida, New york, Santorini and Bermuda 

Where would you like to be in 5 years from now? This is hard for me as I don't now what I want to do with my life but hopefully I will still be blogging and ether be at uni or have a job and be saving up to move out. 

Thank you for reading,
its my pleaser to write.

Hannah xx

P.S I know I didn't get tagged but I thought it would be a good one to do and I am tagging anyone how wants to to answer these questions.

Thursday 14 August 2014

Summer Holiday

Summer Holiday

Me, my older sister, Mum and Dad wall went on an amazing summer holiday to Santorini, which is one of the Greek islands. We went for ten day and had loverly weather unlike England!

They were just a few of the many photos I captured from my holiday. I would decently recommend going to any of the Greek islands if you get a chance. It was just a short post today and I should have another post soon.  

Thank you for reading,
it was my pleasure to write.

Hannah xx