
Tuesday 27 May 2014

Revision Tips

My Top 10 Tips for Revising

Its that time of year again when there is an over load of exams and revising, it also effects most people by taking away there social life (well it is for me anyway!). I'm sure everyone has there own tips that work for them but I always like trying new technics out so I have put together my top ten.

1. Try and revise in a bright room and if possible out side, its always great to have fresh air.

2. Plan small breaks in-between and do someone more creative. 

3. Have a little healthy snack while working although chocolate is the best creation in the world sometimes it is best to part just for a bit.

4. Find fun small clips of things you are studying online and play them just to give you a refresh (BBC Bitesize are always good).

5. If you are having a day out take and you know that you won't get any revision done take some revision card with you so your friends and family can test you. 

6. Sometimes stress just is to much for people an easy way of dealing with it is by doing some exercise. 

7. Most people lac motivation when cominimg to do revision, by buying new stationary encourages you to get started.

8. Try and make things a big and visual as possible such as if its a timeline then put the dates on the food and actually walk through the time periods.

9. Make up silly little ways of remembering things.

10. Lastly do past papers and practise questions.

I'm sure some of these ideas you have hear before and some won't work for you but these are the ones that I like to use. I now this isn't my normal post but I thought it would be a useful one for some of you. if you have any of your own ideas feel free to put them in the comment box.

Thank you for reading
it was my pleasure to write.
Hannah xx


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